Wednesday 1 September 2010

Day 1 - London - The Departure

This is it.
I am leaving.
I have been preparing this trip for almost 15 months.. and now the day has finally come.
Leaving London at 22.20 and will arrive in Bangkok at 15.35 local time.
I still feel I have to finish preparing so much stuff, but everything is almost done really...

So this is the plan approx. :

  • London - Bangkok (via Plane)
  • Bangkok to Cambodia via bus to stop at Siem Reap
  • 3 days at Angkor then to Phnom Pehn (via bus)
  • Phnom Pehn to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in Vietnam (via bus)
  • Ho Chi Minh City - Hoi An (via bus)
  • Hoi An to Hanoi (via Plane)
  • Hanoi - Bangkok - Sydney (via Plane). Arrive at 6.05am at Sydney airport
  • 16 days in Australia (not planned yet where to go)
  • Sydney - New Zealand
  • 1 week in the Southern Island with an organized tour (very cheese name: Lord of the Rings tour)
  • Auckland - Santiago del Cile (OBVIOUSLY BY PLANE! :) ) with arrival at Santiago on the 7th of October.
  • Santiago - Lima (via Plane) arriving at Lima early afternoon of the 8th of October.
  • From Lima then everything by bus/car/horses through Bolivia, Cile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.
  • Flying back to London the 11th of December
I have 104 days to tour a big chunk of the world...
Not many days but good enough :)

Now in Bangkok I have my usual hostel where I go every year. It is comfy and very close to city centre, but the most, IT IS CLEAN!.
I will head to the Cambodian border by bus on Thursday morning very early and from there if I manage to arrive not too late I will go straight to Siem Reap where I will find a place for the next 3 days. The plan is to visit the Angkor Temples for 3 days and then heading to Vietnam.
I hope everything will work on schedule. I am thrilled but at the same time very relaxed...


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